Wednesday, 26 June 2013

fashion2 To what degree should an image manipulated to go into a fashion magazine?

To what degree should an image manipulated to go into a fashion magazine?

To an extent fashion magazines do tend to go over the top when it comes to editing. However I think that they shouldnt over do it because a model is a model she shouldnt need to be made slimmer etc. What magazines do is try and make the model look as a ake as possible. I personally dont think this is a good idea for example if they have a model with a small neck they may edit it and give her a taller neck to make her look good. A main thing they do is make models slimmer, if a model is size 12 they will try and make her look like a 6-8 just so that she appears to have a good looking figure. 

If I was to chose to what extent an image should be edited for a fashion magazine I would change a few things i would want to make sure first that my model has flawless looking skin i.e no spots or wrinkles. This doesnt normally have to be done if the model has full makeup on because once the photo is taken they look flawless anyway. I probably wouldnt change the size of my model only because I think this doesnt put a good influence on girls for example mainly teenage girls who want to be slim and beautiful like models. I would keep my model the way she is however,  I would like her skin tone to be flawless I may change the makeup but overall I would focus more on the skin, face and tone not the shape of her body. I would change the colours maybe the colour of their hair the vibrancy and may add some shine to give it a sleek effect.   

If I was editing a portrait image from the head down to the neck i would make sure the skin is flawless, no wrinkles, no bags under the eyes. Make sure there is not too much shine from the foundation, also Id like to make him her have some shine in their hair. Make sure I am happy with the eye makeup and lips this is important because this is the central part of the image this is whats going to stand out. Makeup on portraits is what can help you sell if you have the correct style of makeup with the correct shades then you dont have anything to worry about. One more thing I would change only on a portrit if my model is smiling I would define their cheek bones especially if its a female to bring out her beauty and I'd lift the cheek bones up slightly.